NEW FEATURE: Demographics Upload

No more manual data entry - now you can upload your participant demographics from a .csv file directly into your Databrary spreadsheet. This feature will be expanded in the near future to permit more flexibility, but for now, be sure to follow the directions on the Participant tab.

New Default Sharing Option: Volume Overview

More options for sharing are now available! You can now choose to share just an overview of your project, for example, if you're finishing up your data collection or if you want funders and reviewers to see what you're working on, but you aren't ready (or able ...

Take the Databrary User Survey

We need to hear from you! Help us understand how your lab works so that we can improve our tools, service, and support. Tell us how you use Databrary and Datavyu, so that we can fix issues and add new features. The Databrary User Survey should take you less than ...